Mayank Shrivastava



Hi! I am a master’s in Computer Science student at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. I am advised by Dr. Arindam Banerjee. Currently, I am working on tackling distribution shifts in ML models, Federated Learning and Differential Privacy.

Before joining UIUC, I was a research assistant with Prof. Jonathan Scarlett at NUS, where I worked on Multi-Armed Bandits. Previously, I spent an year working in the AI R&D Lab at Samsung Research and Development Headquarters in South Korea on Speech Processing and Language Models.

I completed my undergrad from IIT Kanpur in Electrical Engineering. I worked with Dr. Himanshu Tyagi at IISc, Dr.Vipul Arora at IITK, and Dr. Minseok Kwon at Samsung Electronics during my undergraduate years.


Mar'24 Paper on Dimension-free federated learning accepted in BGPT Workshop, ICLR’4.
Jun'23 Started working as a Teaching Assistant for CS411 Databases (Summer 2023)!
Feb'23 Paper on Max-Quantile Bandits accepted in ALT’23.
Jan'23 Started working as a Teaching Assistant for CS124 (Intro to Programming in Java) !
Oct'22 Started working as a Teaching Assistant for CS412 (Data Mining) !
Aug'22 Joined Master’s, Computer Science (thesis track) program at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign!
Apr'22 Joined Prof. Jonathan Scarlett’s lab at NUS as a Research Assistant.
Oct'20 Joined the Automatic Speech Recognition team at Samsung Electronics, South Korea as a MLE !
May'20 Started as a Research Associate at IISc Bangalore with Prof. Himanshu Tyagi.
Apr'20 Graduated with a major in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur .

selected publications


  1. Max-Quantile Grouped Infinite-Arm Bandits
    Ivan Lau, Yan Hao Ling, Mayank Shrivastava, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of The 34th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, 20 feb–23 feb 2023